“The job of my dreams” – read the story of our fitter Pekka

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

“The job of my dreams” – read the story of our fitter Pekka

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

It’s Monday morning at. 4.00. I get up, jump in the work car and drive from my home in Tampere towards Helsinki and the work site. In my thoughts I say goodbye to my family. I have to work so that the family can have bread. But is there nothing else? The phone rings. A friend who knows I’m driving to Helsinki again calls. Would you be interested?”, “They’ll call you from there one day.” In an instant the scraps disappeared from my eyes. My mind was filled with hope. Was this another chance? A few days later, Juhana from HVIturva called. We exchange ideas about work and the industry. We make an appointment to meet at the Tampere office.

Customer service, urgency, responsibility, quality, professionalism, etc. Juhana’s “sales pitch” is on my mind. What would be the hardest thing for me? Promptness, quality and customer service. Do they really exist today? I look forward to seeing if this is another big speech from the big leaders. When work starts, will the traditional rush and whiplash begin again? The aim is only to achieve the maximum result.

Already in the first days of work I realized that this is a job where I can be myself, serve my customers well and with my own professionalism. My ideas are listened to and valued. The phone doesn’t ring, “when did it get ready”. It looks good.

It’s a pleasure to call the next customer again to arrange an installation time. You don’t have to call in a bunch of “tension poo” when you know in advance that a professional salesperson has done a good job of planning and offering. A happy customer greets you at the door. “Yes, you had a young gentleman come to measure and survey our pipes. He was in no hurry and we took our time to go through the whole thing. He said it would take 4-5 days”.

Some customers have asked about Pohjola Plumbing’s view on security during the coffee table discussion. With pride and sincerity, I have been able to tell our customers that this company is committed to quality, happy customers and happy workers.

Where is all this coming from? We share a professional pride and a desire to keep quality high. We understand that the customer is our paymaster. The better we serve our customers, the better our future. The nicest thing has been to notice that this company has a good sense of humour, not to underestimate anyone’s performance. We value our customers and employees regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.

There is no trust. You have to earn it.

I know I don’t think and I’m not alone in this experience.

Let’s stick to them and work to make sure we all have a good life.


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Articles published by Hausoturva

Taloturva publishes useful information on housing, living and especially on single-family housing.

Taloturva is the number one provider of plumbing repairs for detached houses in Finland, and we can have your house repaired in 3 days, and you don’t have to move out.

We also carry out free drainage surveys in private houses, because we want to prevent water damage in Finland. Do you know the condition of the plumbing in your house?

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