Plumbing repairs

Taloturval high quality plumbing repairs for your home in just 3 days with Taloturval’s immersion method. You don’t even have to leave the house during the renovation, because we fix the pipes quickly. Taloturva has special expertise in plumbing repairs for detached houses as we have carried out over 7000 successful plumbing repairs in Finland and Sweden.

If you’re not sure whether your home needs a plumbing repair, you can request a free sewer survey from Taloturva, where we use a sewer camera to take a picture of your plumbing to see its true condition and help you avoid water damage and other problems caused by poorly functioning drains. Book your free drainage assessment here to find out if your house is facing a plumbing repair or if life can continue as normal without the stress.

Our expert Taloturva professionals will help and advise you in all matters related to plumbing renovation.

Feel free to contact us and ask for more information. With years of experience, pipe rehabilitation is our core competence.


Plumbing repairs should be done in time and with professionalism

It is important to take proper care of your home’s pipes, as worn pipes pose a serious water damage risk to your home and a health risk to its occupants. When you choose Taloturva to handle your home’s plumbing repairs, you know that your home’s pipes are in professional hands!

How do you know when is the right time to do a plumbing repair?

Unless you are absolutely sure about the condition of your home’s sewerage system, you should book a free sewer survey from Taloturva. This is especially necessary if your home’s pipes are more than 25 years old and you haven’t had a sewer survey for many years. Occasionally a badly draining drain or a slight sewer smell in your home’s indoor air are also signs that indicate the need for a drain survey and possible plumbing repairs. So, from the very beginning, when you’re just thinking about whether you need a plumbing renovation now or whether you could postpone it for a while. In some situations, sewer maintenance may be sufficient and a pipe repair may not be needed just yet. The best way to find this out is to order a free sewer survey from Taloturva.

What happens during a free sewer survey by Hausoturva?

The purpose of the free sewer survey is to determine the condition of your home’s plumbing and to assess whether your home is in need of plumbing repairs. In some cases, simple plumbing maintenance may be enough, but if your plumbing is so worn out from daily exposure to a wide range of corrosive substances that it is time for a plumbing renovation, Taloturva can also help you with the renovation.

During a sewer survey, a special camera is taken into the pipeline to photograph the pipes. Based on the pictures, a building security expert will assess whether the plumbing needs to be repaired or maintained. The results of the description are discussed together with a Taloturva expert and the customer, giving the customer a concrete picture of the plumbing situation in their home. If necessary, Taloturva will make the customer an offer for the required sewer maintenance or plumbing repairs.

Why is it important to do your plumbing repairs on time?

Your home’s sewage system is exposed to a wide range of corrosive substances on a daily basis, which means that over the years its pipes will start to deteriorate, glaze, crack or decay, which in turn can put your home at risk of water damage. Water damage is always a serious matter and it is better to prevent than to repair the damage caused by water damage. In addition to the risk of water damage, old sewer pipes can also pose a serious health risk. This is because different gases flow through the pipeline, which over time can make holes in the top of the pipe. Through these holes, gases harmful to health can leak from the pipe into the air you breathe in your home. For this reason, it is very important to monitor the condition of your home’s plumbing and carry out plumbing repairs in good time.

Sometimes sewerage is enough

Even if there are minor concerns about your home’s plumbing, a plumbing repair is not always acutely necessary, but drain maintenance can still be enough to stabilise your home’s plumbing situation and help postpone the plumbing repair to a later date. For example, the drain may occasionally leak badly or cause odours in the home, which is a cause for concern. In this case, it is important to find out the situation of the plumbing and order a free sewer survey from Taloturva. If anything alarming appears during the description, Taloturva will also take care of the drainage with professionalism!

To start with, a Taloturva expert will check the condition of your home’s plumbing and assess its durability. Piping cleaning can only be carried out if the pipes are in good enough condition. If your sewerage system is already too badly deteriorated to be serviced, it’s time to have a pipe repair instead of maintenance. Before starting the maintenance, a Hausoturva expert will protect your home and, if necessary, dismantle some of the water fixtures. Dealing with sewage can be a messy job, which is why protecting your home is important. After the protective measures, the appropriate method and equipment are selected for cleaning the sewer piping. This can be done with the help of different brushes or pressure rinsing, for example.

After the actual cleaning, the odour traps in the sinks will be replaced to prevent leaks. Then clean the floor drains and replace them with new ones if necessary. Taloturva has its own innovative floor drain model, which has the advantage of being easy to clean. After cleaning the floor drains, the dismantled and possibly replaced fittings are installed. This makes the maintenance of the sewage system an excellent opportunity to replace various fittings, such as taps, at the same time. New taps give the home a modern look, so that the drainage is also visible from the outside.

After the drainage service, the pipeline is filmed and a video report is handed over to the customer. This will help to ensure that the maintenance carried out has been adequate and that any hidden hazards in the pipework will be identified during the description of the cleaned drainage system. In the past, some of the dangers, such as small cracks, may have been hidden by dirt. The video report is given to the client on a memory stick.

Finally, the building security expert will go over the results of the drain cleaning with the customer and sign the service handover protocol. At this stage, the customer is informed about how the plumbing maintenance went and whether there was anything to note in the home’s plumbing. This helps the customer to assess when the next sewer maintenance or pipe repair may be needed.

Modern plumbing renovation by immersion

In all situations, sewer maintenance is no longer enough and it’s time for a plumbing renovation. Many single-family homeowners fear that plumbing repairs will be a hassle for the customer. For this reason, he may even try to postpone the repair of the pipes to a distant future. However, this is not a good idea, as the ageing plumbing in an ageing house is a safety risk that a professional and timely plumbing repair can save the home’s occupants from. Besides, modern plumbing renovation by soaking is not even a big deal for the home’s occupants.

The perception that plumbing repairs are particularly burdensome for homeowners certainly dates back to years ago. In the old days, plumbing renovation usually meant that the structures of the home had to be torn open during the renovation, and the occupants of the home could not live in the home while the renovation was in progress. Fortunately, today the situation is different, because with modern pipe socketing, a home plumbing renovation can be done without tearing open the home’s structure at all. For residents, this means that they don’t have to look for a place to stay in a hotel or on a friend’s sofa during the renovation, but can stay at home for the duration of the renovation. House Security professionals have received rave reviews for their ability to respect their customers’ privacy during the renovation process and do their best to make living at home as comfortable as possible throughout the renovation.

A plumbing renovation without opening up your home may seem unbelievable, but it is nonetheless absolutely true! Nowadays, pipe renovation can be done with a special sock that is inserted into the old pipe. This particular sock is made of a plastic alloy and once in place, it can be hardened to become a strong and durable plastic tube. The old pipes in the home can therefore be left completely in place and become a kind of mould for the new pipes.

There are several reasons why pipe bursting is worthwhile. In addition to being a particularly user-friendly and modern way of carrying out a home plumbing renovation, it is also a very reliable renovation method. What’s more, this type of plumbing renovation is a cost-effective and quick way to extend the life of your home’s plumbing system by up to 50 years.

Why choose Taloturva to carry out your plumbing repairs?

There are several reasons why it pays to leave the plumbing repairs in the hands of Taloturva. Firstly, Taloturva takes care of the plumbing renovation from start to finish, offering free drainage surveys to quickly and easily determine the state of your home’s plumbing, and then carry out any necessary plumbing maintenance or repairs. It is a matter of honour for House Security not to compromise on the end result, which is why only skilled installers work for House Security. In fact, Hausoturva is notorious for not being an easy company to get a job in. Only the best installers in Finland are selected for the company, which guarantees quality from start to finish.

In addition to hiring skilled installers, Taloturva also ensures that its installers have the opportunity to participate in regular training to ensure their continued competence. The high number of satisfied customers shows that Taloturva has been particularly successful in its uncompromising pursuit of quality. Taloustutkimus, a non-partisan survey conducted by Taloturva, has found that 98% of Taloturva’s customers are satisfied with the services they receive from Taloturva.

You may also be wondering how much it will cost to renovate your home. With these ideas in mind, Taloturva offers a handy price calculator on its website to help you estimate your plumbing repair budget. You can get started completely free of charge, as Taloturva offers an expert sewer survey completely free of charge to check the condition of your home’s plumbing. It’s a good idea to order a sewer survey with a low threshold if you have any doubts about the condition of your home’s sewage system!

In the current global climate, it is particularly important to favour Finnish products and services. This is another reason to choose Taloturva to handle your home’s plumbing repairs, as Taloturva is a Finnish family-owned company. It is also a company that knows Finnish homes and conditions, and has experience of thousands of renovations in Finnish homes. This kind of experience will help Taloturva succeed in your home when it’s time for a plumbing renovation!

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