Should solar panels be installed primarily in a detached house or in a cottage? This question can easily arise when considering the purchase of a photovoltaic system.
Cottage vs. detached house
Installing an electricity system in a cottage may seem attractive; the cottage is usually used in summer, when the yield from solar panels is also at its highest. However, there are many reasons why a cottage may not be as good a place to install solar panels as a detached house. Many cottages are not connected to the electricity grid, so the surplus electricity cannot be sold back. In addition, cottages are generally suitable for smaller electrical systems, which do not offer the same value for money as the larger systems used in detached houses. Sometimes the cottages are located on an island, which also poses logistical challenges.
Detached houses, on the other hand, are practically always connected to the grid and are suited to larger and more efficient photovoltaic systems. Also in summer, people typically spend more time at home than at the cottage, which makes it easier to enjoy solar power if the panels are installed in a detached house.
The whole must be taken into account
For the above reasons, it is usually best to install solar panels primarily in a detached house. However, this does not mean that it is not sometimes worthwhile to install solar panels in your cottage. For large cottages connected to the electricity grid, a photovoltaic system is very suitable. If there is no electricity in the cottage, a photovoltaic system is often a much better option than an expensive electricity connection.
How well suited is your house to solar power? You can find out with the help of the free solar electricity survey by Taloturva.