Sewer description saves from water damage

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Sewer description saves from water damage

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

It is almost impossible to assess the condition of the sewer pipes hidden behind the walls and under the floor with your own eyes. The most reliable way to assess the condition of the pipes is to call in a professional to take a picture of the sewer pipes from the inside using the relevant equipment.

A cable with a camera at the end is inserted into the sewer and the picture is taken. The camera transmits a video image to a monitor, from which an expert assesses the condition of the pipes.

The description will also reveal blockages and possible leaks. Hairline cracks indicate high-risk areas that may fail in the future.

A sewer survey is the first step in planning a sewer renovation and should be done well in advance. Based on the survey, you can also plan whether to combine the renovation of domestic hot water pipes or the heating network in the same project. It can save costs and hassle by doing things in one go.

When is the right time to photograph the pipes?

A 30-year-old cast iron pipe is past its prime and should be checked. The risk of water damage increases every year, and pipes over 40 years old pose a significant risk of water damage.

Cast iron is the most commonly used material for drains in Finnish private houses. The age and material of the pipes can be checked in the house documents. If there is no marking on the pipe fitting, the pipes are probably original.

Many companies specialising in plumbing maintenance and building services carry out drainage surveys for private houses on an hourly basis.

The bill can easily run into hundreds of euros. Before making an appointment, it is worth considering what other services the company offers. A company that specialises in plumbing repairs may not be the best option when planning a sewer replacement.

Free sewer description from Plumbing Security

At Plumbing Security, we offer a free drain survey for properties with cast iron piping that is more than 30 years old.

We also assess the condition of your plumbing, water pipes and heating system.

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The mapping takes about an hour. At the end of the visit, we will go over the condition of the pipework, hazards and risk factors with you. We provide a general assessment of when it is wisest to replace which pipes.

If you need a plumbing repair, you will receive a quote at the same time. A sewer description has saved many from water damage. According to our statistics, we identify serious risks in up to half of the sites described.

Order a free sewer description here

Articles published by Hausoturva

Taloturva publishes useful information on housing, living and especially on single-family housing.

Taloturva is the number one provider of plumbing repairs for detached houses in Finland, and we can have your house repaired in 3 days, and you don’t have to move out.

We also carry out free drainage surveys in private houses, because we want to prevent water damage in Finland. Do you know the condition of the plumbing in your house?

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