Pipe leakage is the most common cause of water damage in a detached house

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Pipe leakage is the most common cause of water damage in a detached house

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Many homeowners are worried and frightened about the cost and hassle of renovating their pipes. It’s easy to move on, away from the present moment. Too many people rely on the idea that they will not get hurt. However, damage is constantly occurring. For example, a private house from the 1980s should have had its pipes renovated by now, as the age of the pipes has exceeded the technical 30-year lifespan and the risk of damage is high. Research shows that water damage occurs in detached houses built before the 1990s. The most common leaks are in domestic water and sewerage pipes.
Most pipes leak inside walls, in the riser or in cupboards. According to the leakage damage survey, the most common mechanisms are mechanical failure, corrosion and blockage. Specific damage includes, for example, damage to basement floors where the leakage occurs in the pipework inside the basement floor structures. This damage is typically only noticed after the leak has already caused extensive damage. The first step in preventing leakage damage is to determine the condition of the pipework and its resistance to different conditions. With the help of a plumbing condition survey, many of the questions on your mind can be answered by a professional. The sooner you get to the bottom of things, the better informed you are about the timeliness of issues and risk management.

In detached houses, the cause of a pipe leak is most often a sewer and cold water pipe

As mentioned above, the main causes of sewer leakage damage are mechanical failure, clogging and corrosion. The pipe material takes time and then comes to an end. Blockages, on the other hand, corrode the pipe material and are always a bad thing, as the fluid and excreta inside cannot reach the intended well or the municipal sewer system. Leakage damage to joints and seals is typically caused by construction defects or, for example, pipe movement caused by frost. If the seal is not in place, it will not perform its intended function and water/fluids will enter the structure or, for example, the subfloor.

Temperature fluctuations stress and embrittle all piping systems due to thermal expansion. As we know, temperatures in Finland vary a lot depending on the season, and that’s why pipes are subject to stress. In domestic hot water pipes, failure typically occurs in the pipe or joint. The most common material for a leaking pipe is copper. Other leakage risks include old taps and mixers, as well as pipe connections and seals that become brittle with time and use. Every time the tap is opened and closed, water moves through the pipework, causing pressure fluctuations.


FIGURE 1. Leaking machinery, equipment, piping in various leakage damage reports.

Amount of compensation for water damage caused by a pipe leak in detached houses

In detached houses built from the 1960s to the 1980s, the problem is that the water pipes are usually hidden in the house structure. In the event of a pipe leak, water can soak into structures, easily causing extensive water damage. Repairing water damage to structures almost invariably involves extensive dismantling and mechanical drying of the structures for weeks or even months, depending on the extent of the damage. It is important to fully repair the damage caused by water damage, as even a surprisingly small amount of moisture can cause mould and indoor air problems in the house.
The average amount of leakage damage in a cold water pipe is approx. 13 000 €, of which the amount of compensation is approx. 6300 €. It should be noted that claims are always subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance policy, including deductibles and age deductibles.
The cost of a plumbing repair is significantly cheaper if it is done before the leak occurs. The state supports a renovator of a detached house with a household tax credit.

The average age of a single-family house with a leak is 28 years

The average age of a leaky pipe in a detached house is 28 years, so we are already talking about renovations of houses from the mid-1990s. In houses built in the 1980s, plumbing problems with domestic hot water have typically been thought to be caused by poor quality copper. In the 1980s, underfloor heating systems also became common, and were almost always installed in the domestic hot water circulation system. Circulating domestic water can consume much more of the plumbing than standing water. It is very important to find out about the need for a sanitary renovation in all houses built before the 80s, where the plumbing is still old.

Prevent leak damage and get your plumbing repairs right

The longest possible life cycle of a house is essentially about responsibility for its maintenance and repairs. All piping systems are reaching the end of their technical life and should be replaced in due time. This will keep the house in good condition and maintain its value. Accurate recording and documentation will facilitate maintenance, and possibly the next user of the building.

READING. Photo. https://www.finanssiala.fi/julkaisut/vuotovahinkoselvitys-2012-2013-2/

Articles published by Hausoturva

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