The cost of a plumbing repair – what does a plumbing repair cost?

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

The cost of a plumbing repair – what does a plumbing repair cost?

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

If you wish, you can make a price estimate right away by entering the basic information about your house into the price estimator. This is a quick and easy way to find out the price range of your renovation. Please note, however, that demand and changes in the price of materials will constantly affect the price of the contract.

The price of a plumbing renovation varies from case to case, depending on the size of the job – if it’s a big job, it will naturally cost more. It is often thought that renovating the plumbing in a detached house is a laborious job and therefore the renovation is postponed until the last minute. The sophisticated installation method allows for a smooth renovation in a few days and the inconvenience to the home is minimised. Postponing a plumbing repair can be costly, because in the event of water damage, you may have to pay part or all of the costs out of your own pocket if there are negligence in the maintenance of the plumbing.

The following factors influence the price:

  • Whether to replace only the domestic hot water pipes or to renovate the heating network at the same time
  • Number of water points: taps and showers, outdoor water posts, and water inlets for water-using appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines and toilets
  • Whether the renovation involves the replacement of water fixtures, i.e. taps, toilet seats or sinks
  • Length of pipe entries: how far apart the water points are from each other
  • Size of the house
  • The wall material of the house. The wall material affects the cost as it is more labour-intensive to fix the fasteners to a stone wall than to a wood or plaster wall

You can easily find out the exact price of a plumbing repair with a free survey visit.

Price of a plumbing repair in a 150 square metre detached house

Aatu and Taina Seppälä and 4-year-old Ossi live in a two-storey, 150-square-metre detached house built in 1975 in Nurmijärvi. Together they decided on a plumbing repair, which was seen as part of the normal maintenance of the property. The old wooden house had recently undergone a facade renovation. New service water pipes were installed in the house, using white composite pipes as surface-mounted pipes. In addition, the kitchen tap, two toilet seats and the outside tap in the garage were replaced. The oil boiler was replaced four years ago. The boiler installer had done his job properly, so the boiler did not need new safety equipment.

A new shut-off valve, check valve and pressure reducing valve were installed on the water meter. In addition, the wall of the boiler room had an original outdoor tap that needed to be replaced. The plumbing in the house was reasonably short, as all the water points were close together.

The total time for the entire renovation was four working days and the water was out for six hours.

The total cost of the renovation was 8 900 €, of which 5 800 € was for the work. The Seppels received a household allowance of €2 220 for this. The Seppälä family had €6 680 left to pay for the renovation, which they paid with a financing of €75/month. In the example, the household allowance therefore brought a reduction of almost 25% on the price of the plumbing repair.

Household tax credit up to €4500

The cost of a plumbing renovation in a detached house is significantly reduced by the household tax deduction available from the taxpayer. The purpose of the household credit is to support the maintenance of houses and thus reduce the repair debt. The deduction is currently 40% of the work component, up to a maximum of €2250 per person. Couples will therefore receive a maximum of €4,500.

Where to find the money to renovate the plumbing in a detached house?

Plumbing renovation is one of the most significant renovations in a detached house. Few people have the money to renovate their home waiting in the wings. But don’t worry. Plumbing renovation is often financed by a loan. We can provide you with renovation financing at a fixed interest rate offered by the bank. You will receive a financing offer from our renovation planner during the survey visit. If you wish, you can also pay off the loan in one lump sum. We always plan the financing or payment method for a plumbing renovation during a free survey visit.

Avoid extra costs by being proactive

A pipe repair done in time will be much cheaper than repairing the damage caused by a broken pipe together with the repair. The high repair costs and financial losses may surprise you in the event of damage. Some accidental consequences may be covered, but often health damage and stress caused by damp and mould, for example, are not covered by insurance. Also, the inconvenience and costs of any eviction will not be compensated. The older the pipeline, the higher the risk of leakage. Assess the risk of water damage to your house. By having your plumbing repaired in time, you’ll save on unpleasant costs, lower insurance premiums and zero age-related deductions for damages.

Articles published by Hausoturva

Taloturva publishes useful information on housing, living and especially on single-family housing.

Taloturva is the number one provider of plumbing repairs for detached houses in Finland, and we can have your house repaired in 3 days, and you don’t have to move out.

We also carry out free drainage surveys in private houses, because we want to prevent water damage in Finland. Do you know the condition of the plumbing in your house?

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