The sewers of a private house in the Waves were renovated using the diving method

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

The sewers of a private house in the Waves were renovated using the diving method

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Years ago, Helena and Kari Aalto bought a summer place in Satakunta. The house was renovated extensively from the start and quickly became a home for the couple. The most recent major renovation was when the house was renovated by Taloturva using the submergence method.

The Waves first bought their current home as a summer cottage. However, the couple were so pleased with the frontline house, built in the late 1950s, that they moved in permanently.

– We’ve grown to love living here. This is a quiet place, but it’s still a short distance from Säkylä to Turku and Tampere, for example,” Helena says.

Fear of sewer damage prompted renovation

Helena says that the couple had not even considered renovating the sewer. However, a television programme about the renovation of a sewer using the soaking method woke the couple up. Helena and Kari’s daughter knew more about it and was able to recommend House Security.

– Over the years, the kitchen drain has been blocked a few times. But you thought that in old houses, this is part of the job,” Helena recalls.

– Then last autumn the toilet didn’t work properly. At the same time, there was a story on TV about this soaking and the sewer leaks. That’s when we became afraid that something might have already leaked somewhere, because the pipes are old.

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“I felt like it was under control”

Helena says that Taloturva has inspired confidence from the start. The renovation started with a drainage survey, which revealed the real need for renovation. The actual renovation started quickly after the shooting.

– In the kitchen, you couldn’t even get the camera past the drain because it was so covered in grease. There was also a bad spot about 30 cm long. The renovation was appropriate, Helena says.

According to Helena, the five-day renovation did not require any significant changes to the living arrangements. The waves were in your home throughout the renovation. A dry latrine was provided by Hausoturva, and the beach sauna was used for washing.

– All in all, it was a successful solution to be at home. The renovation went surprisingly well and the workers were very nice. With them, things were nice and easy,” says Helena.

“Now you can sleep well at night”

Helena and Kari are happy with the renovation. The building security company acted with confidence and renovated the sewer so that its functionality and durability can now be trusted.

– Everything has been handled well. When you can’t know anything about such things yourself, you feel safe when someone knows what you’re doing and how to do it. A renovation company should be one you can trust.

– There are a lot of houses where this would be appropriate. We didn’t realise at first how serious the issue was if there were leaks and the floors had to be ripped up. Now you can sleep well at night knowing that it’s all taken care of,” Helena concludes.

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