The damage inspector’s view on water damage in detached houses

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

The damage inspector’s view on water damage in detached houses

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Water damage caused by plumbing in private houses typically occurs when there are leaks in the pipes or their fittings due to mechanical damage or corrosion. The main causes of leakage damage are the bursting of cold water pipes and sewer pipes.

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– If the pipe breaks, the water will naturally flow downwards, i.e. onto the floor. If the broken pipe is hidden, the damage may be difficult to detect. Water can seep into the floor structures for months, and as a result, the wooden structures will eventually rot,” says Jarmo Hakkarainen, a damage inspector in LähiTapiola’s Central Finland region, who has 20 years of experience in damage inspections of detached houses.

– If the pipes are surface-mounted, leakage damage is easier to detect when the water comes directly to the floor. For me, the worst cases have been where the house has been soaked from corner to corner and all the floors have had to be demolished when frozen pipes burst.

Insurance companies cover unforeseen leaks caused by damage to pipes and equipment. However, the insurance company will only cover the repair of the immediate consequences of the leak, not, for example, the complete renewal of the plumbing system.

The reimbursements take into account age deductions, i.e. the older the house and the pipes, the higher the customer’s contribution. The insurance does not cover moisture from the ground or cases of water spray entering structures or poorly constructed plumbing.

Attentiveness in place

The older the house, the greater the risk of leaks as the pipes age and are used.

– Especially in domestic water pipes, you should consider replacing the pipes after about 30 years if you want to reduce the risk of leaks,” says Hakkarainen.

He also urges people to turn off the water main if they are away from home for several days.

– In addition, normal care and attention is always in order: it is worth checking from time to time for water drips in the sink or around the toilet, for example, which may indicate a leak.

According to Hakkarainen, the general level of knowledge, prevention and initiative regarding water damage has deteriorated. On the plus side, however, he says that when damage is detected, people take it seriously and investigate and repair the leak promptly.

Text by Jaana Rantalainen


How to prepare for water damage, when to do a plumbing repair? Download our free plumbing renovation guide and find out!

Articles published by Hausoturva

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