There’s no need to worry about plumbing repairs in your own home

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

There’s no need to worry about plumbing repairs in your own home

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

There’s no need to worry about a plumbing repair in a detached house.

Plumbing renovations in detached houses are much smoother than those in apartment blocks, which are in the headlines. Generally speaking, plumbing repairs in detached houses are over within a week. Currently, private houses from the 70s and 80s are being renovated. In these houses, the water pipes are installed in the structures using metal pipes with a technical lifetime of approx. 30 years.

The topic was reported by YLE on 3.4.2013.

Plumbing installation in a detached house in three days by Pohjolan Plumbing and Heating.

By specialising in plumbing renovations for detached houses, we have been able to reduce renovation times even further. In 2013, we carried out around 500 plumbing repairs in private houses. The average renovation time was approx. 3 days and the water was cut off at approx. 4 hours. We carry out renovations during normal working hours at. 8.00 – 16.00. If you work during the day, you may not even notice the renovation is finished.

There’s no point in flicking the water meter – do your plumbing in time.

It is often thought that water damage could be avoided by checking the water meter every now and then. By the time we notice that the water meter is spinning, the damage has already been done and a repair is imminent. After this, a new water pipeline will have to be built in any case. This makes it easier to repair the plumbing in time before damage occurs.

Do you have doubts about the condition of your water pipes? Ask us for a survey visit.

It is often difficult to know if there are any problems in your water system. That’s why we offer each of our customers a free survey of their water, sewer and heating pipes. During the mapping process, we go through all the systems with our expert and record any shortcomings. We know where to look.

Articles published by Hausoturva

Taloturva publishes useful information on housing, living and especially on single-family housing.

Taloturva is the number one provider of plumbing repairs for detached houses in Finland, and we can have your house repaired in 3 days, and you don’t have to move out.

We also carry out free drainage surveys in private houses, because we want to prevent water damage in Finland. Do you know the condition of the plumbing in your house?

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