Smart heating reduces heating costs in a private house in cold weather

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Smart heating reduces heating costs in a private house in cold weather

Articles on housing, plumbing repairs, energy, renovation and single-family homes, produced by Hausoturva.

Home heating consumes about half of the energy consumption of a detached house. Even small temperature adjustments can make a significant difference. Just one degree lower indoor temperature, for example at night or during the day when residents are at work, reduces energy demand by 5%.

The annual heating costs for a detached house are often upwards of a thousand euros. New, intelligent heating systems have been developed to make heating more efficient.

Intelligentheating systems adjust the heating for each room as needed. The indoor temperature remains constant and users can program a weekly rhythm into the system, according to which the temperature changes automatically. Most systems also include a mobile app that makes it easy to control the heating when you’re not at home.

“What was the future two years ago is now completely normal”

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Jari Kivelä, Account Manager at Danfoss, which develops smart energy solutions for buildings, says smart heating has become more common over the past two years.

– The real-time connection to your home and the sense of control brings peace of mind, he says.

First came smart fire and burglar alarms, which communicate with each other and send a message to the owner when needed. Since then, appliance manufacturers have launched network-connected washing machines and refrigerators that can be controlled remotely.

According to LVIturva, which renovates heating networks in private homes, smart heating systems have become increasingly popular, especially among older people.

– Smart heating is now installed in practically every renovation project, says Juhana Kilpeläinen, the company’s CEO.

– The adoption of digital solutions is not a question of age, although there is a sense of prejudice. Easy-to-use and useful applications will be welcomed,” he continues.

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How to save on heating costs during winter frosts

Winter heating costs depend on the length of frost periods and the energy efficiency of the house, i.e. how well it stores heat.

If you don’t have time to buy smart heating for next winter, there are a few simple tips to reduce costs.

– Check and patch window seams and door gaps. Constant draught effectively cools the indoor air and disrupts the ventilation of the home

– Don’t spend long periods in the shower and use hot water sparingly

– Reduce the heat output for trips. Four degrees lower temperature saves almost 20% on heating costs.

Is the heating network in your house more than 30 years old?

If you live in a detached house where the heating network is more than 30 years old, it may be time toreplace the heating pipes. You can order a free plumbing survey from us.

Our experts will check the condition of your pipes and identify any risk points. If you want, you can get a quote for heating pipe replacement and smart heating.

Read more about HVAC Security’s Smooth Heating Network Renovation.

Articles published by Hausoturva

Taloturva publishes useful information on housing, living, plumbing, HVAC and especially on single-family homes.

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